Home > Friendly City Solar for Commercial Customers

Friendly City Solar for Commercial Customers

Are you interested in powering your commercial property with renewable energy? As part of our Friendly City Solar program expansion, we are considering the option to open up enrollment to our commercial customers – and we want to hear from you.

With Friendly City Solar, energy is generated locally at the Acorn Solar Farm. If we open the program to commercial customers, you’ll be able to purchase renewable energy in the form of solar energy blocks. This means you can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy without the need to install panels on your property or worry about ongoing maintenance.

If you’re a commercial customer, let us know your thoughts on using renewable energy to power your property.

Program Overview

  • Commercial customers may be able to purchase renewable energy in 50 kWh blocks, up to 50% of their average monthly usage.
  • The cost of each 50 kWh block would be approximately $1.50 more* than the cost of 50 kWh of traditional grid electricity through HEC.
    • *Note: Cost difference is based on an average monthly usage of 1500 kWh. Fuel charges are not applied to solar energy blocks, so the net cost will be lower than published.
  • Pricing would be fixed for the customer for 25 years. You can view example costs here.
  • Fuel charges would not be applied to the block of solar energy on the customer’s bill, but consumption taxes would be applied to all energy consumed.
    • Ex. If your monthly usage is 1500 kWh and you subscribed to 5 solar energy blocks, you would only be charged for fuel on 1250 kWh of electricity.
  • The minimum contract term is one year and would automatically renew unless the customer requests a change.
  • Upon the customer’s request, subscriptions to the solar program can transfer to a new commercial address if they relocate within HEC’s service area.
  • Customers would be charged for the subscribed amount regardless of Metered Usage.
  • Only customers in good standing would be eligible to participate. Existing net-metered customers do not qualify.

Example Costs

If your average monthly usage is... You can subscribe to the maximum amount of energy blocks below* Which would make your additional monthly cost...*
1000 kWh/month 10 $15.00
1300 kWh/month 13 $19.50
1500 kWh/month 15 $22.50
1800 kWh/month 18 $27.00
2000 kWh/month 20 $30.00

*Energy blocks and additional monthly cost based on an enrollment amount equivalent of 50% of monthly usage

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